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UKAD Statement on Larry Olubamiwo

UKAD Statement on Larry Olubamiwo

Press Release

10th May 2021

A UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) spokesperson said: “This case has taken up a significant amount of time, so UKAD has expressed its willingness to Mr Olubamiwo to settle his claim, which amounts to £227. Discussions with Mr Olubamiwo are ongoing.

“The claim Mr Olubamiwo has made should have been made against UKAD as an organisation, not an individual. Nicole Sapstead has applied to the court for the judgment against her personally to be set aside, and is willing to waive her costs in this case.”

Statement of facts in this matter

  1. In February 2012, UKAD brought disciplinary proceedings against professional boxer, Larry Olubamiwo, after a sample he provided for the purpose of doping control returned a positive finding for erythropoietin (known as EPO).
  1. A hearing commenced before the independent National Anti-Doping Panel (‘NADP’) in May 2012.  The hearing was never completed as Mr Olubamiwo admitted using a number of prohibited substances including methandienone and EPO. Therefore, UKAD agreed a settlement to the case, which was finalised in a consent order (agreement) signed by Mr Olubamiwo, the independent NADP tribunal Chairman and an independent lawyer who conducted the case on behalf of UKAD.
  1. 3,000 tablets labelled as ‘Anabol’ were brought to the independent tribunal hearing the case by Mr Olubamiwo.
  1. UKAD took possession of those tablets shortly after the hearing.
  1. Mr Olubamiwo requested the return of the ‘Anabol’ tablets in May 2019, which were no longer in UKAD’s possession following an office move. Mr Olubamiwo asked UKAD for compensation of £20,000. Mr Olubamiwo threatened to bring legal action if his demands were not met.
  1. Conversations continued with Mr Olubamiwo and UKAD through to July 2020 by which point the tablets would (had they been in UKAD’s possession) have been over eight years old and in all likelihood unusable.
  1.  Mr Olubamiwo’s claim now amounts to £227. UKAD has been making attempts to settle this matter, due to the significant amount of time that it has taken up.

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