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Victoria Agaar and Jill Pilgrim Join Athletics Integrity Unit Board


Press Release 

21st April 2020

The Athletics Integrity Unit (AIU) is pleased to announce that Victoria Aggar (GBR) and Jill Pilgrim (USA) have joined the AIU Board.

Victoria Aggar is a retired international rower; whose accolades include winning a bronze medal at the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games. She has extensive governance experience including being a non-executive director of the English Institute of Sport and the chair of the British Athletes Commission. Aggar was also a member of the World Anti-Doping Agency Athlete Committee from 2014-19.

Jill Pilgrim is a senior lawyer based in New York, with significant experience in governance, anti-doping, integrity and the law. She was the general counsel and director of business affairs for USA Track & Field from 1998-2007 and general counsel for the Ladies Professional Golf Association (LGPA) from 2006-09. She is also currently serving in the position of Lecturer in Law (Adjunct Professor) at the Columbia University School of Law, teaching sports arbitration.

Following the selection process carried out by the Integrity Unit Board Appointments Panel, the World Athletics Council approved Victoria’s and Jill’s candidatures.

“I am very pleased to welcome Victoria and Jill to the AIU Board. They each bring extensive expertise and experience to our organisation, which will be hugely beneficial to the AIU in our quest to help athletics transcend the integrity issues and challenges it faces as a sport,” said David Howman, Chairman of the AIU Board.

“In addition, with these two appointments, we now have a full complement of five voting members and have achieved a considerable balance of skills, attributes and backgrounds within our membership. This will undoubtedly benefit our discussions and decisions,” added Howman.

The AIU Board governs the AIU, which was established by World Athletics in 2017. The AIU Board comprises of five voting members which includes Dr Andrew Pipe and Marc Peltier.

In addition to the five voting members of the AIU Board, World Athletics appointee, Abby Hoffman, and Head of the AIU, Brett Clothier, also sit on the Board as non-voting members.

The AIU Board is responsible for approving the AIU’s strategy, annual plan, policies and procedures. It also monitors the overall day-to-day performance of the AIU and is required to report to the World Athletics Congress annually.



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