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Vince Murdock Accepts Sanction for Violation of UFC Anti-Doping Policy


Press Release

6th September 2019

USADA announced today that Vince Murdock, of Sacramento, Calif., has accepted a 20-month sanction for a violation of the UFC®️ Anti-Doping Policy after testing positive for a prohibited substance.

Murdock, 28, tested positive for GW1516 metabolites GW1516 sulfoxide and GW1516 sulfone as the result of an out-of-competition urine sample collected on July 6, 2019. GW1516, also known as GW501516 and cardarine, is a non-Specified Substance in the category of Hormone and Metabolic Modulators and is prohibited at all times under the UFC Anti-Doping Policy, which has adopted the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Prohibited List.

After being notified of his positive test, Murdock came forward with evidence of his use of this prohibited substance before entering the UFC Anti-Doping Program. Based on the specific details of the case, Murdock received a reduction from the otherwise applicable period of ineligibility.

Upon being added to the UFC Anti-Doping Program, athletes are required to declare medications and supplements they have used in the previous 12 months. An athlete who declares the prior use of a prohibited substance will not be deemed to have committed a violation but will be required to refrain from competition for a period of at least 6 months and provide at least two negative samples. Murdock did not declare the use of the prohibited substance on his onboarding declaration form. Murdock’s 20-month period of ineligibility began on July 6, 2019, the date his positive sample was collected.

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