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WADA contributes to OECD’s Compendium of International Organizations’ Practices


The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) welcomes the publication by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) of its ‘Compendium of International Organizations’ Practices’, which was launched at the eighth Annual Meeting of International Organization Partnership, held virtually this week. The Agency was pleased to assist the OECD in compiling this useful publication by providing presentations of key practices in the field of anti-doping.

The Compendium is the first common tool developed collaboratively by regulatory International Organizations to improve the quality of their outputs across a wide range of topics, including anti-doping. The document includes examples of specific efforts undertaken by International Organizations to work towards more effective development, implementation and evaluation of international instruments, as well as ensuring stakeholder engagement and cooperation between International Organizations themselves.

As part of its participation in the Partnership of International Organizations for Effective International Rule Making, established and led by the OECD, WADA was one of more than 50 International Organizations that contributed to the Compendium, by sharing information regarding:

  • World Anti-Doping Code (Code) Compliance;
  • WADA’s Code Compliance Monitoring Program; and
  • Collaboration with the International Laboratory Accreditation Co-operation (ILAC), which coordinates the assessment of WADA-accredited laboratories under both the International Standard for Laboratories and the International Organization for Standardization’s (ISO’s)/International Electrotechnical Commission’s (IEC’s) standard (ISO/IEC 17025), concurrently.  

WADA’s Director General, Olivier Niggli, said: “WADA is an organization that is based on cooperation, with athletes, Governments of the world, the Sport Movement and many other stakeholders. Since our formation in 1999, we have built dozens of partnerships with various international bodies. Engaging with other International Organizations, including through this partnership of regulatory organizations set up by the OECD, has proven to be highly productive, allowing WADA to share its experience and expertise in building and overseeing a comprehensive regulatory framework for anti-doping but also to learn from others on their regulatory and cooperation practices. We were pleased to assist with the compilation of this compendium and we thank the OECD for leading this initiative.”      

The original article can be found here.

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