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WADA Executive Committee ratifies Board Membership for Independent Testing Authority


Press Release

13 October 2017

The World Anti-Doping Agency announces that its Executive Committee has ratified the Board Membership of the Independent Testing Authority (ITA). Therefore, with immediate effect, the approved Members are:

  1. Independent Chair: Dr. Valérie Fourneyron, France
  2. IOC representative: Prof. Uğur Erdener, Turkey
  3. International Federation representative: Mr. Francesco Ricci Bitti, Italy
  4. IOC Athlete Committee representative: Ms. Kirsty Coventry, Zimbabwe
  5. Independent Member: Prof. Dr. Peijie Chen, China

In May 2017, WADA’s Foundation Board approved the recommendation of the ITA Steering Group, comprised of the Sports Movement and Governments, concerning the structure and process of establishing the ITA Board. For more detail in this regard, please refer to the Summary of Outcomes from WADA’s Executive Committee and Foundation Board meetings held 17-18 May 2017 respectively.

The ITA, which was first proposed by the Olympic Summit in October 2015, is intended to assist International Federations and Major Event Organizations that wish to delegate their anti-doping programs to an external, independent, body.

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