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WADA Executive Committee to meet in Istanbul on 14 September


The Executive Committee (ExCo) of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) will meet in Istanbul, Turkey on 14 September. ExCo members, some of whom will attend in person and others virtually, will be updated on WADA’s progress on key priorities, take a number of decisions and make recommendations to the Agency’s Foundation Board (Board) for its next meeting in November.

Among the items on the agenda for the 14-person ExCo is:

  • Approval of the 2022 List of Prohibited Substances and Methods;
  • Approval of scientific research projects’ grants;
  • Decisions regarding recommendations from WADA’s independent Compliance Review Committee in relation to the compliance of a number of World Anti-Doping Code (Code) Signatories with the 2021 Code that came into effect on 1 January 2021;
  • Approval of an enhanced policy for WADA’s application of the International Standard for Code Compliance by Signatories;
  • An update regarding WADA’s ongoing governance reforms;
  • An update regarding COVID-19’s impact on the global anti-doping system; and
  • Consideration of the Agency’s draft budget for 2022 that will be put before the Board in November.  

WADA is composed of a 38-member Board, which is the Agency’s highest policy-making body, and the ExCo, to which the Board delegates the management and running of the Agency, including the performance of certain activities and the administration of assets. The ExCo is composed of five representatives from the Sports Movement, including an athlete representative, five representatives from Governments of the world and four independent members, including the President and Vice-President.

Information concerning the outcomes of next week’s meeting will be published once it has concluded.

The original article can be found here.

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