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WADA outlines main steps ahead of Revised Code introduction

Circular to WADA stakeholders, August 25, 2014
Dear Stakeholders,

With four months remaining until the revised World Anti-Doping Code (Code) and International Standards take effect, WADA would like to remind all signatories of the series of implementation steps to be taken in the lead up to 2015.

Adoption of the 2015 Code

Signatories are reminded that provisions of the revised Code must first be incorporated into existing policies, statutes, legislation or rules before the end of 2014. To assist with this task, WADA has published a series of Model Rules based on the 2015 Code and International Standards, and, furthermore, for signatories that already have 2009 Code rules in place, WADA has issued red-lined comparisons between the 2009 Model Rules and the 2015 Model Rules, therefore allowing provisions to be easily identified. WADA is pleased to continue supporting all signatories in this exercise, and invites signatories to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any questions.
The review of signatories’ rules is part of WADA’s Code compliance monitoring. In order to ensure a smooth process, and so that WADA can assist signatories in achieving anti-doping rule compliance, WADA is strongly encouraging all signatories to submit their rules for review at the earliest opportunity before they are formally adopted. In January 2015 WADA will publish the names of the signatories that have put their rules in place, and those that have not.

Implementation of the 2015 Code

The second major step for signatories in 2014 is to undertake all required preliminary activities in order to implement, as of 1 January 2015, anti-doping programs based on the 2015 Code’s and International Standards’ specific requirements.
With particular focus on the need to develop and implement effective testing programs – and in light of applicable provisions set out in the revised Code and International Standards – WADA is organizing a webinar to provide further explanation on this topic in October 2014.
WADA is also updating existing Guidelines and Protocols such as those relating to collection procedures, and developing a number of new Guidelines based on the 2015 Code and International Standards, in order to help signatories further enhance the quality of their anti-doping programs in key areas. These are due to be published in October.
New Guidelines include:
  • Implementing an Effective Testing Program
  • Results Management, Hearings and Decisions
  • Anti-Doping Operations for Major Events
Further, WADA will publish its Technical Document for Sport Specific Analysis (TDSSA) in early October, following its approval at the Executive Committee’s September meeting. With the final consultation period for the document well underway, WADA will also organize a special webinar for signatories on the implementation of the Technical Document.
All information on Code Implementation can be found on WADA’s website.
Best regards,
World Anti-Doping Agency

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