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WADA publishes 2017 Annual Report


Press Release

5th October 2018

Today, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) published its 2017 Annual Report <>, which outlines the Agency’s achievements that have led to a strengthened WADA and global anti-doping system. Under the title Looking Back and Moving Forward, the Annual Report is an important element of WADA’s commitment to accountability and transparency.

In November 2016 <>, WADA’s Foundation Board (Board) reached consensus on a series of recommendations aimed at strengthening the Agency as the global regulator for anti-doping worldwide. On the basis of these recommendations, WADA immediately took key measures and established strategic priorities to guide its activities for 2017 and beyond. This Report demonstrates how the Agency is performing against these priorities and how we continue to move forward together with our partners.

WADA President Sir Craig Reedie said: “While our actions related to compliance, investigations, science, education, data protection and other priorities are enhancing WADA’s capacity to deliver clean sport, two of the most crucial decisions of the November 2017 and May 2018 Board meetings were agreements to increase the Agency’s 2017 budget of USD 29.7 million by 8% for 2018 and 2019-2022 respectively. We view this as clear recognition of WADA’s increasingly important mission and mandate; and, a vote of confidence in the Agency’s ability to carry them out. WADA is grateful for these increases from its Government and sports stakeholders, which will go a long way towards increasing WADA’s scale, speed and reach in carrying out its core activities.

At the end of 2017, WADA employed 98 people from its headquarters in Montreal, Canada; and, its regional offices in Cape Town, South Africa; Tokyo, Japan; Lausanne, Switzerland; and, Montevideo, Uruguay. Together, the WADA team collaborates day-in and day-out with our global partners to preserve the integrity of sport and uphold the values of fair play.

In keeping with our sustainability efforts, the Report is only being published online.

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