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WADA publishes new Compliance Standard

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Press Office

8th January 2018

The new International Standard for Code Compliance by Signatories (ISCCS) <>, which will take effect on 1 April 2018.

The limited number of revised World Anti-Doping Code (Code) articles related to Code compliance <>, which the ISCCS necessitates – also effective 1 April 2018.

A Policy for the Initial Application of the ISCCS by WADA <>, which entails WADA exercising the power given to it in the ISCCS to prioritize its compliance monitoring and enforcement efforts, by focusing on certain categories of Signatories, chosen based on objective factors identified within the ISCCS.

A Legal Opinion by Judge Jean-Paul Costa <>, former President of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). Judge Costa provided his opinion, in his capacity as consultant to WADA, on the second draft of the ISCCS. Following adoption of the ISCCS by WADA’s Executive Committee and Foundation Board in November 2017, which incorporated his comments, Judge Costa wrote the addendum contained within his opinion.

The ISCCS, which was adopted by WADA’s Executive Committee in November 2017 <>, will reinforce the Agency’s Code Compliance Monitoring Program <>. It was refined via a two-phase stakeholder consultation process that ran from 1 June to 14 October 2017 and was overseen by WADA’s independent Compliance Review Committee (CRC); during which, stakeholders were asked to comment on development of the ISCCS that outlines:

Code Signatories’ rights and responsibilities; the ways WADA supports Signatories in achieving, maintaining and, where applicable, regaining Code compliance; and a range of graded, predictable and proportionate sanctions for cases of non-compliance by Signatories; and, a process for determining non-compliance and consequences.

WADA wishes to thank all stakeholders who submitted feedback during the consultation process. We believe that, together, we have developed a Standard which holds Signatories worldwide to the same high standards under the Code as is expected of athletes.

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