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WADA revokes accreditation of Moscow laboratory


Press Release

15 April 2016 – The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has revoked the accreditation of the Moscow Antidoping Center in Russia (Laboratory) due to non-compliance with the International Standard for Laboratories (ISL)  and the related Technical Documents.

The Laboratory was suspended by WADA on 10 November 2015 following a key recommendation in the WADA Independent Commission Report. Since that date, the Laboratory has been prohibited from carrying out any WADA-related anti-doping activities including all analyses of urine and blood samples.

The revocation, which has been accepted by the Laboratory, will enter into force immediately and means that the Laboratory will continue to be prevented from carrying out the testing of doping control samples on behalf of WADA or any testing authority.

The decision was taken by WADA’s Executive Committee following a thorough review of the status of the Laboratory by an independent WADA appointed Disciplinary Panel.

The decision made by WADA’s Executive Committee is a result of the Laboratory’s non-compliance with the International Standard for Laboratories (ISL).

Pursuant to the ISL, WADA is responsible for accrediting and re-accrediting anti-doping laboratories, thereby ensuring that they maintain the highest quality standards. This monitoring role is conducted in conjunction with ISO assessment by independent national accreditation bodies that are full members of the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC).

Whenever a laboratory does not meet ISL requirements, WADA may suspend the laboratory’s accreditation. WADA may revoke a laboratory’s accreditation for repeated failures to comply with the ISL and related Technical Documents.

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