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Weightlifter Songhwan (Alan) Park Sanctioned

Weightlifter Songhwan (Alan) Park Sanctioned

Sport Integrity Australia acknowledges that Australia Weightlifting Federation (AWF) has imposed a three-year ban on athlete Songhwan (Alan) Park for the Presence of a Prohibited Substance/s and/or its metabolite and Use and Possession of Prohibited Substances. 

Mr Park, a Masters athlete, returned an Adverse Analytical Finding from an In-Competition doping control test on 15 May 2022 during the Queensland Weightlifting Association State Masters Championships. 

Mr Park’s sample was analysed at the Australian Sports Drug Testing Laboratory, part of the National Measurement Institute, and the presence of prohibited substances LGD-4033 (Ligandrol) and its metabolite Di-hydroxy LGD-4033, RAD140, Higenamine, and N,N-Dimethyl Phenethylamine (DMPEA) were detected. 

The substances LGD-4033 (Ligandrol) and RAD140, known as Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs), are classified as Class S1.2 (Other Anabolic Agents) substances and are prohibited at all times. Higenamine is classified as a Class S3 (Beta-2 Agonists) substance and is also prohibited at all times. N,N-Dimethyl Phenethylamine (DMPEA) is classified as a Class S6 (Stimulants) substance and is prohibited In-Competition only. 

It was also determined that: 

  • On and/or before 15 May 2022, Mr Park used LGD-4033 (Ligandrol); and/or RAD140; and/or Higenamine. 
  • On 15 May 2022, Mr Park used the Prohibited Substance DMPEA. 
  • From on and/or around 10 February 2021 to on and/or around 15 May 2022, Mr Park possessed LGD-4033 (Ligandrol); and/or RAD140. 

Mr Park’s ban, commencing on 15 May 2022, was reduced by 12 months following a full admission of the alleged anti-doping rule violations

Mr Park is ineligible to participate in any sports that have adopted a World Anti-Doping Code compliant anti-doping policy until 15 May 2025. He is also not permitted to compete in a non-Signatory professional league or Event organised by a non-Signatory International Event organisation or a non-Signatory national-level Event organisation. 

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