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Welsh Rugby Union player, Joseph Phelps, banned for four years


Press Release

UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) today confirmed that a 21 year old rugby union player from South Wales has been suspended from all sport for four years following an Anti-Doping Rule Violation.

Joseph Phelps, who played for Hafodyrynys RFC, tested positive for nandrolone following an out-of-competition test on 16 June 2015.

Phelps is banned from all sport for four years from 2 July 2015 to midnight on 1 July 2019.

UKAD’s Director of Legal, Graham Arthur said:

Athletes are solely responsible for any banned substance which is found in their system, regardless of how it got there or whether there was an intention to cheat or not."

This case highlights that all athletes, regardless of level, must be aware, and understand, the risks to their sporting careers if they test positive. They must ensure they manage that risk at all times.

The full written decision can be found under the current rule violations on the UKAD website.

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