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Welsh rugby union player Joshua Hicks receives four-year ban for Anti-Doping Rule Violations

Welsh rugby union player Joshua Hicks has been banned from all sport for a period of four years following Anti-Doping Rule Violations (ADRVs) for the Presence and Use of Prohibited Substances. 

On 8 October 2022, UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) collected an In-Competition urine Sample from Mr Hicks at a game between Pembroke RFC and Penclawdd. Analysis of Mr Hicks’ Sample returned Adverse Analytical Findings (AAFs) for anastrozole, tamoxifen and drostanolone.  

Anastrozole is listed under section S4.1 of the WADA 2022 Prohibited List as an Aromatase Inhibitor. It is a Specified Substance that is prohibited at all times. 

Tamoxifen is listed under section S4.2 of the WADA 2022 Prohibited List as an Anti-Estrogenic Substance. It is a Specified Substance that is prohibited at all times. 

Drostanolone is listed under section S1.1 of the WADA 2022 Prohibited List as an Anabolic Androgenic Steroid. It is a non-Specified Substance that is prohibited at all times. 

On 16 December 2022, UKAD notified Mr Hicks that he may have committed ADRVs pursuant to Article 2.1 (Presence of a Prohibited Substance or its Metabolites or Markers in an Athlete’s Sample) and 2.2 (Use or Attempted Use of a Prohibited Substance or Prohibited Method) of the 2021 UK Anti-Doping Rules (ADR), and provisionally suspended him. 

Mr Hicks responded to UKAD’s Notice letter on 16 December 2022 and admitted taking the Prohibited Substances.  

UKAD therefore charged Mr Hicks with ADRVs in relation to all three Prohibited Substances on 03 March 2023. On 21 March 2023, Mr Hicks re-iterated his admissions to taking the Prohibited Substances, but disputed the four-year period of Ineligibility asserted by UKAD.  

On 04 April 2023, the matter was referred to the independent National Anti-Doping Panel (‘NADP’). However, on 28 June 2023, Mr Hicks confirmed that he now acceded to the period of Ineligibility of four years, and no longer wished to pursue a hearing before the NADP. 

Speaking on the case, Hamish Coffey, UKAD Director of Operations, said:  

This case makes clear to those participating in rugby union in Wales that UKAD can conduct anti-doping Testing at all levels of WRU competition, and that all participants of the sport are liable for the consequences of their actions should they violate the ADR.  

All rugby players need to understand that taking banned substances will result in lengthy bans from the sports they love, and have trained long and hard to take part in. Rugby is a team sport, we want to protect sport for all, and we will always act to catch those individuals who try and cheat the system. It is never worth the risk.” 

The Welsh Rugby Union (WRU) added, “The WRU promotes Clean Sport, and players at every level of the game, must adhere to the WRU Anti-Doping Rules. It’s vital that players are aware of the risks if they decide to take a prohibited substance for performance-enhancing or recreational reasons. We want players to make good decisions both on and off the field.” 

Mr Hicks is banned from all sport for a period of 4 years from 16 December 2022 to 15 December 2026 inclusive. 

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