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World Anti-Doping Agency publishes new Anti-Doping Rule Violations Report



With Nearly 2,000 Sanctions, the 2013 Report is the most comprehensive stats offering to-date

15 June 2015 – The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) published its first ever Anti-Doping Rule Violations (ADRV) Report today, which reveals that 1,953 sanctions were levied for ADRVs that were committed in 2013. The sanctions were handed out to athletes and athlete support personnel from 115 countries in 89 sports following tests performed in 2013 and other non-analytical investigations that were concluded that same year.

WADA is pleased to provide the most comprehensive set of doping statistics to-date. This new ADRV Report, when combined with the Annual Testing Figures Report, will be of value to the anti-doping community’s efforts to protect clean athletes in every country around the world,” said WADA Director General, David Howman.

Doping remains biggest threat to integrity of sport

The ADRV Report illustrates the incidence of doping in global sport during 2013; and, breaks the sanctions down by sport, testing authority and nationality. “With close to 2,000 sanctions in one year and almost every sport represented, it’s evident that doping still represents a huge threat to modern-day sport,” said WADA President, Sir Craig Reedie. “Protecting clean athletes, and upholding the integrity of sport remains WADA’s number one priority. In light of the Report’s findings, WADA and its partners around the world must continue to deter current athletes from doping; and, crucially, educate future generations, the athletes of tomorrow, from ever considering doping as an option,” added Reedie.

First time ADRV Report made possible by unprecedented collaboration

This is the first time that WADA has been able to pull together such a comprehensive report on ADRVs. The data has been collated by WADA, following information received from Code signatories, who are responsible for the results management of doping cases. “Whilst we have long produced annual statistics on anti-doping testing figures, the clean sport community has until now been lacking a robust annual compilation of ADRVs worldwide,” said David Howman. “This ADRV Report has been made possible thanks to the commitment of our signatories worldwide to report the outcomes of both their Adverse Analytical Findings (otherwise known as positive results) and non-analytical ADRVs,” he added.

Follow-up to 2013 Testing Figures Report

The ADRV Report follows on from the 2013 Testing Figures Report released last year, which disclosed the results of all the tests performed by WADA-accredited laboratories on urine and blood samples collected that year.

This new ADRV Report details the outcomes of the Adverse Analytical Findings, including those that resulted in sanctions. The Report also illustrates those ADRVs that emanated from Non-Analytical Findings (e.g., a failure to submit to a test, possession, use or trafficking of a prohibited substance following an investigation, etc.). Combined, the two reports provide powerful data that will help Anti-Doping Organisations gain a better understanding of the global incidence of doping in 2013, and adapt their anti-doping strategies to further protect clean athletes.

WADA’s full Anti-Doping Rule Violations Report is now available.

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is the international independent organization created in 1999 to promote, coordinate and monitor the fight against doping in sport in all its forms. The Agency is composed and funded equally by the sports movement and governments of the world. Its key activities include scientific research, education, development of anti-doping capacities and monitoring of the World Anti-Doping Code - the document harmonizing regulations regarding anti-doping in all sports and all countries.

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