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Circular no. 1885 - Training compensation system for women’s football – financial data for calculation of training costs and categorisation of clubs

Circular no. 1885 - Training compensation system for women’s football – financial data for calculation of training costs and categorisation of clubs


Circular no. 1885

Zurich, 30 May 2024

Training compensation system for women’s football – financial data for calculation of training costs and categorisation of clubs

Dear Sir or Madam,

On 17 December 2023, the FIFA Council approved the governing framework for a training compensation system for women’s football to encourage the development of youth players, protect the investment of training clubs and contribute to the competitive balance and sustainability of the women’s game.

In order to build and implement this system, it is essential to collect and analyse accurate financial data from clubs related to female players’ training costs. This will allow the correct categorisation of clubs and establishment of training compensation amounts which will be paid to beneficiary clubs when the system becomes active. In this regard, a survey has been produced to gather such data from your affiliated clubs.

Whilst the survey relates to training costs, professionalism and sporting indicators, other key questions have been included for correlation and benchmarking purposes. FIFA will not use this data for any other purpose, disclose it to any unauthorised persons or make it available in any other way.

Member associations are kindly requested to ensure that their affiliated clubs complete the survey, which is available at the following link: CLUB SURVEY which needs to be shared with your clubs directly.

Please kindly inform your affiliated clubs that once they start the online survey, they will need to enter all the requested data in one session and press submit to avoid losing any progress made. All survey responses must be received by 30 June 2024.

For any enquiries regarding the club survey, please contact Ignacio Toro from the FIFA Women’s Football Division at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Yours faithfully,



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