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Circular no. 1886 - Compliance with applicable regulations regarding release of players to representative teams

Circular no. 1886 - Compliance with applicable regulations regarding release of players to representative teams


Circular no. 1886

Zurich, 31 May 2024

Compliance with applicable regulations regarding release of players to representative teams

Dear Sir or Madam,

FIFA is pleased to note that, with the recent approval of the Women’s International Match Calendar 2026-2029, combined with the prior approval of the Men’s International Match Calendar 2025-2030, there is now a clear and consistent framework for the mutually beneficial coexistence of representative-team and club football globally for the future. This hugely positive development allows all football stakeholders to plan responsibly and with sufficient certainty for the benefit of all involved.

A fundamental component of each International Match Calendar is its binding relationship with the release of players to representative teams, as set out in the FIFA Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players (the “Regulations”). This legal framework clearly lays out predetermined rules around the timing of the mandatory release of players, where validly called up to representative teams by their respective member associations.

In doing so, this framework recognises the need to balance the rights and obligations of both clubs and representative teams, in order to ensure that the harmonious relationship between representative-team and club football continues.

With this in mind, FIFA notes with concern reports of an increasing trend of member associations engaging in “early call-ups” – in other words, arranging or requiring the arrival of players for representative-team duty before the start of the stipulated period of release as set out in the Regulations and therefore outside the release period, where there is no prior agreement with the releasing club in question.

FIFA would therefore like to strongly remind all member associations preparing for the upcoming international windows that call-ups in advance of the opening of the international window in question should not be undertaken unless otherwise mutually agreed between the member association and club concerned.

FIFA also draws attention to the fact that universal compliance with the Regulations and consistency in their application are critical for the long-term health and coexistence of representative-team and club football globally. In this regard, all involved parties and stakeholders must respect the rules and their obligations, in order for this long-standing and successful system to function as intended.

In recognition that there do exist individual cases with unique circumstances where an early release may be in the interest of all involved, FIFA of course promotes and encourages open dialogue in this regard, such that a clear agreement can be found that is acceptable to all parties. In such cases where an agreement is reached, we would take this opportunity to confirm that the cover provided by the FIFA Club Protection Programme as set out in circular no. 1852 will apply from the moment of release by the club in question, thereby providing insurance for the players in question when on duty with those representative teams in scope.

FIFA would like to thank you for your attention to the above and wishes all member associations the best in their preparations for the upcoming windows, as well as in any tournaments in which they are participating over the coming months.

Yours faithfully,



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