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Fencers Join Thousands of Canadian Athletes Calling for a National Judicial Inquiry.

Global Athlete

To: The Honourable Pascale St-Onge, Minister of Sport

We write to you today on behalf of over fifty current and former Canadian fencers who have been and continue to be subjected to a toxic culture and abusive practices within the Canadian Fencing Federation (CFF). Our collective group, Fencing for Change Canada, exists to represent and support Canadian fencers, including former and current members of the Canadian Olympic Team, the Canadian National Team, the High-Performance Program (HPP), and other competitive programs.

Unfortunately, we have been united by our shared experiences of abuse, neglect, and discrimination. For almost two decades, the fear of retribution has prevented us from speaking up and this forced silence has left us feeling complicit in our own abuse. Today, we are lifting the veil of silence in the hope to pave a safer future for Canadian fencers.

Over the past twenty years, we have experienced various forms of emotional, physical, and sexual abuse and misconduct, the perpetrators of which include Canadian coaches. We were often exposed to our abusers as minors at CFF-sponsored provincial, national, and international competitions, and HPP training camps. Many of us continue to endure psychological and physical consequences from our time involved with the CFF, including depression, anxiety, eating disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, and suicide attempts.

We have serious concerns about the current and historical leadership of the CFF. They have repeatedly failed to address systemic abuse issues and earn the trust and confidence of athletes. Their impending sign-on to OSIC by the end of March is an action without any real depth or accountability and one that athletes, as the case for other sports, simply do not trust. The events of February 2023 have demonstrated the CFF's inability to adequately respond to ongoing systemic abuse, mistreatment, and discrimination. The organization appears to have more concerns regarding the privacy of internal investigations than the abuse allegations themselves. Despite the CFF's lip service in addressing the pervasive issues within the organization, their actions demonstrate a clear unwillingness and inability to change. This cannot stand.

We call on the Government of Canada to initiate a national judicial inquiry into the ongoing toxic culture and abusive practices that persist within Canadian fencing and other sporting organizations. We stand in solidarity with the thousands of fellow Canadian athletes from other sports who have bravely called for change, including gymnasts, boxers, soccer players, and bobsleigh and skeleton athletes. We support all survivors of abuse and applaud the courage of those who have come forward to share their stories in the hopes of improving sport for everyone. We implore the Government of Canada to support us and all athletes in Canada by immediately commissioning a national judicial inquiry.


Fencing for Change Canada

**We acknowledge that the contents of our letter may be overwhelming for some people. If you need support, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.**

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