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Global stand against racism by the Member Associations of the 74th FIFA Congress

Global stand against racism by the Member Associations of the 74th FIFA Congress


Circular no. 1884

Bangkok, 16 May 2024

Global stand against racism by the Member Associations of the 74th FIFA Congress

Dear Sir or Madam,

The time has come for football to unite to unequivocally commit as a global community to address the issue of racism in the game. Football can be proud of the fact that it so often sets an example for the rest of society, showcasing what is possible when the world comes together for a common cause. It is now incumbent upon us to leverage this unique ability for this particularly important cause for us and for future generations. 

Given players are so often the central victims of this heinous act, FIFA has over the course of recent months undergone an extensive consultation process with current and former players, male and female, from all over the globe, all of whom are passionate about making a change.

Their views and input have resulted in a consolidated proposal for action. FIFA is now pleased to present this proposal to the 74th FIFA Congress on 17May 2024 in Bangkok, Thailand. The five pillars of action are outlined in annexe to this circular letter and comprise the following:

  • Pillar 1 – Rules and sanctions
  • Pillar 2 – Action on the field
  • Pillar 3 – Criminal charges
  • Pillar 4 – Education
  • Pillar 5 – Players’ voice

Ahead of this agenda item at the 74th FIFA Congress, FIFA would like to share this proposal with all member associations as we look forward to standing together with them against racism. 

Yours faithfully,


Mattias Grafström

Secretary General

Pillar 1 - Rules and sanctions

"We, together united as global football, will make racism a specific offence with mandatory inclusion in the individual Disciplinary Codes of all 211 FIFA Member Associations, differentiating racism from other incidents, giving acts of racism their own specific and severe sanctions, including match forfeits."

Pillar 2 - Action on the field

"We, together united as global football, will pause, suspend and abandon games in cases of racism, introducing a global standard gesture for players to communicate racist incidents and referees to signal the implementation of the three-step procedure which will be made mandatory in all 211 FIFA Member Associations."

Pillar 3 - Criminal charges

"We, together united as global football, will push for the recognition of racism as a criminal offence in every country in the world, and where already an offence, will push for prosecution with the severity it deserves."

Pillar 4 - Education

"We, together united as global football, in recognition that no child is born a racist, will develop and promote educational initiatives together with schools and governments, to provide a future free of racism."

Pillar 5 - Players' voice

"We, together united as global football, will establish a new Players' Anti-Racism Panel composed of former players who will monitor and advise on the implementation of these actions around the world."

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